How does the Saarthi App benefit the Helpdesk Managers?
Helpdesk managers are the other side of the coin when dealing with society complaints/requests. They are helped by the app-enabled flow in the following ways :
No Job Cards - With the complete process digitized, job cards do not need to be printed for task distribution. This helps with avoiding unnecessary daily logistics and wastage of paper.
Saving Time - With staff equipped to independently access ticket information, there’s no need to manually communicate or explain complaints, reducing operational overhead.
Streamlined Processes - A more efficient helpdesk means quicker resolution times and thus meeting the SLAs & TATs agreed between FM and society.
Improve Quality - With more time in hand, the helpdesk manager can work better as a ‘checker’ going through staff comments and job completion proofs. This helps achieve better resolution quality and thus leading to lower reopen rate & higher resident satisfaction.